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Social Media Specialists - Italian and Spanish

Sijainti: Madrid

To be based at the Madrid office, Investing.com is looking for Social Media Specialists for the Spanish and Italian markets.

Our ideal candidates will be ambassadors for our brand, propelling Investing.com into their respective local social media community on a grand scale, employing a coherent and consistent plan of action to increase traffic and brand awareness.

Responsibilities include:

  • Design and implement social media strategy in line with business goals and maximize social traffic channel.
  • Set specific objectives and report on ROI.
  • Manage the Investing.com social media accounts (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube).
  • Create original text, manage posts (including photos, videos & news) and respond to followers and reviews in a timely manner while projecting a stellar company image.
  • Monitor SEO and web traffic metrics.
  • Perform research on current benchmark trends and audience preferences.
  • Guide the editorial team on writing articles about preferred subjects and include terms that are trending.
  • Collaborate with marketing, sales and customer service to ensure brand consistency.
  • Suggest and implement initiatives to increase brand awareness and engagement.
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest technologies, social media trends, tools and applications.


  • Native Spanish or Italian
  • Proficient in English.
  • Basic understanding of the financial markets.
  • 2+ years of social media management.
  • Experience in content management.
  • Top-notch, creative writing skills.
  • Solid knowledge of SEO, keyword research and Google Analytics.
  • Knowledge of online marketing channels.
  • Natural communicator with the desire to attract attention and engage audiences through social media.

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Hae virkaa Social Media Specialists - Italian and Spanish
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